
Obama Has Historic Opportunity to Establish Legacy of Justice May 1President Barack Obama has the first real opportunity to establish a legacy that will extend far beyond his presidency. He made the Supreme Court a major feature of his campaign and won a strong mandate in November. He has expanded upon his mandate in his first 100 days and should now make a bold choice for the Supreme Court. Read More Take Action

Obama Wins Mandate on the Courts A memo from Kathryn Kolbert on how the November election "delivered a sweeping mandate for President-elect Obama to appoint federal judges who are committed to core constitutional values." Read more

Beyond the Sigh of Relief: Justices in the Mold of Brennan and Marshall On December 9, 2008, People For President Kathryn Kolbert held a conversation at the National Press Club with Julius Chambers, Dahlia Lithwick, John Payton, and Jamin Raskin on the future of the Supreme Court. Read more

Attacks on DOJ Nominees Signal Right's Judicial Nominations Strategy Right-wing political and legal organizations have unleashed a coordinated campaign of over-the-top attacks on the qualifications, records, and fitness of President Obama's nominees for important positions in the U.S. Justice Department. Right Wing Watch In Focus exposes the real reason why. Read more

Independent Court Blog

The Court and Pay Discrimination

Lilly Ledbetter tells her story and how we can help. She won her pay discrimination case in a jury trial but the increasingly right-wing Supreme Court ruled against her on a technicality and made it easier for companies to discriminate. Hear more from Lilly and petition Congress to undo the damage at http://www.CorrectTheCourt.com

When Lilly discovered that she was paid much less than her male coworkers over many years, she sued her employer for pay discrimination. A jury ruled in her favor, but the Supreme Court rejected her case.

Here's Lilly on the facts of her case: